A few months ago,  Danny BrownFrank Dickinson, and I had a comments conversation on Danny’s blog about Evernote. I said I love it; they both couldn’t understand why.

Frank asked me if I’d write a guest post on why I love the tool. Yes, it’s taken me a few months to get to it. Oy. But I’m here now!

This first ran on Frank’s blog and caught the attention of Evernote themselves. They asked me a few questions about how I use the tool, so I’m going to tell you why I love the tool, but I’ve added a few extra things.

I love journals. I used to negotiate getting a journal scientists use when I got a promotion (they’re really expensive) or when I got a new job. I have every business journal and every Franklin Planner I’ve ever written – tasks, ideas, brainstorms, new business meetings, everything. I write it all down.

I also use my journals to create my to-do list. I draw a little box in the margin and that tells me it’s a task and not just a note. Then I get to go through my journal and check off the boxes as I finish the task. There is such great pleasure in that check mark!

But the one problem with a journal is I have to carry it everywhere with me.

Enter Evernote. I have it on my laptop, iPad, and iPhone (it’s available for every smart phone and both Mac and PC). And I take notes, create my to-do lists, create presentations, jot down ideas, capture a photo or image, and save files.

It syncs through the cloud (I love the cloud) and it’s available on any device I have in front of me at the time.

On your way to a meeting and you forgot your journal? No problem! It’s on your phone in Evernote!

On a flight and you realize your client folder is sitting on your desk? No problem! It’s on your laptop in Evernote!

Took notes at a new business meeting and lost your phone (it happens in Chicago cabs a lot)? No problem! It’s on Evernote!

Sold yet?

You can also clip articles and blog posts from the web and save in Evernote. It’s your journal, camera, audio notes, to-do list, and Delicious accounts all in one.

All you have to do is download it, create a user name and password, and get to work. If you get in the habit of using it (instead of letting it just sit there), you’ll never miss an idea, note, or task again.

What it does not do well (so don’t try to use it this way) is to catch up on your reading. If you’re a link clicker (cough, Kary Delaria) and have several tabs open during the day, use Instapaper to save them for later. Another tool that’s on the cloud so you can use it from anywhere.

And, if you have an iPad, use Reeder for your RSS feeds. This tool has made me extremely efficient in keeping up with all the blogs I subscribe to and read.

Evernote is not great for RSS feeds or saving links to read later, but it is super efficient for note taking, journal writing, taking photos (I use it when I am relegated to the trainer and want to enter my stats in Training Peaks later), creating to-do lists, and never carrying around another notebook again.

Do you use Evernote? Are there ways you use it that aren’t mentioned here?

Gini Dietrich

Gini Dietrich is the founder, CEO, and author of Spin Sucks, host of the Spin Sucks podcast, and author of Spin Sucks (the book). She is the creator of the PESO Model and has crafted a certification for it in partnership with Syracuse University. She has run and grown an agency for the past 15 years. She is co-author of Marketing in the Round, co-host of Inside PR, and co-host of The Agency Leadership podcast.

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